Monday, February 3, 2014

February 2014 Check-in

Good morning, one and all. It's been a weird February for me already.

I'm severely limiting my goals this month to DO ALL THE TAXES. Oh, and I need to complete my Carmen Sandiego costume for Katsucon. I was actually pretty surprised at what an easy costume it is- red coat, red hat, black boots, that's really all you need for people to get the idea. I cannot wait for Katsucon and Tournaments in two weeks!!

Let me be real for a moment, here. I'm currently feeling overwhelmed by many things. Or maybe just a couple things, but they're big. Sometimes I question why I am making life difficult for myself by being an entrepreneur when life could be so much safer if I worked some 9-5 job like I'd been doing for the past couple of years.

I've been in a personal battle for maybe the past year where I've been weighing safety and security against... happiness and freedom. And the choices I have made clearly illustrate my propensity towards the latter.

Do I have regrets? Sometimes. But I know how unhappy I would be if I hadn't made the decisions I did.

So here I am, looking at my first tax season as a business owner, with my car in the shop, uncertain as to where I'll be living in a few months, trying to get more bookings during the slowest season of the year, and yet I can't help but feel excited and hopeful for the future. Through all this uncertainty, there's been a candle of hope that has never gone out, and I don't think it ever will.

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that if you want something to happen, you have to make it happen. Waiting won't do you any good whatsoever.

Sooo anyway, I wanted to share something awesome today. Over the past few months I've had the delight of being in the presence of a group of four generations- twice! One of which is part of my own family. How special is that?

I also held my cousin's baby, which I think is a first for me- I can't remember having held a tiny baby before! And I didn't even come close to dropping her or anything! I think that's a mega achievement.

Have a free and happy February.

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