Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Sinking Leaf

A photographer facebook group that I follow has daily photo challenges, where you can post pictures to their wall based on the given theme. Today's was 'black and white.'
Some of the photos I took this weekend of Kristy & Jordan's engagements sessions are REALLY awesome as black and white images. They're also what this group usually seems to like- bold images of people, mostly.
I ended up posting an old favorite.

And before posting it, I had to really think hard about why I like this picture so much as opposed to the awesome ones from my recent shoots. I took it back in 2004, on a romp through the woods with my cat, on a roll of film I was shooting just for fun. You know what I came up with? This is the first picture I ever took that I was truly proud of. How cool is that?