Tuesday, July 15, 2014

New Blog Address

I am moving my blog! Check out my new blog on my actual website. Thank you, Blogger.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 2014 Check-in

Prioritizing is hard.

I feel stretched, in the words of Bilbo Baggins. Working 30 ish hours in an office, running my own business, volunteering at Animal Allies, keeping up with friends and family, personal projects, traveling a lot this summer, and the constant pressure of moving hanging over my head.

But I recently gave one of those things up- fostering cats. Which is probably the most important item on that list to me.

I didn't really have too much of a choice- the townhouse in Old Town that I'll be living in already contains a cat who doesn't like other cats, and I kind of took it as a sign that I could give this one thing up and maybe feel sane again, even though I care so much about it. It's not like I'll never be able to foster again ever, and I can continue to photograph for their adoptions website.

But don't it just feel so backwards that I'm giving up what I'm most passionate about, even if it's temporary.

Some unrelated exciting news for July: I will be migrating from this blogger blog to one hosted by my website provider! Hurray ditching the .blogspot in my blog URL! Can't wait to make this happen soon.